The Christ the King Worship Band is a volunteer subgroup within the umbrella of the Christ the King Music Ministry. The Worship Band typically meets one evening per week from September to June for 60-120 minutes to practice defined lists of contemporary Christian Worship Music as well as updated arrangements of classic hymns and worship pieces. The Worship Band serves the parish across a variety of settings, from music-accompanied Eucharistic Adoration, to support of Parish Missions, Faith Formation activities, and Special Events, as well as to service in special Masses such as Christmas Eve and even Funerals focusing on a Resurrection theme. Participation in the Town of Reading's Porchfest recently opened another dimension of being ambassadors for Christ the King Parish through music.
The Worship Band is managed with empathy for individual life circumstances. Members commit in a general sense to be in the group but may opt out of a specific event and the related rehearsals if life circumstances do not allow them to participate. All members are re-invited to each incremental service opportunity. New members are welcomed to the Worship Band on a rolling basis. Contact Jim Fitzgerald, [email protected] to ask questions or join the group for a trial rehearsal.
Worship Band members: